La economía y el covid 19.

Willian Castillo. Carnet: CG212082


Docente: Rene Antonio Chanta Martínez.

Cuales son las limitaciones que nos impone el sistema económico actual y como superarlas.

Para contestar estas preguntas usaremos como ejemplo a Perú donde “Al inicio del nuevo Gobierno (julio del 2011) había una percepción general de que el modelo económico vigente iba, al menos, a ser ajustado. Luego de un año, se ha avanzado en el cumplimiento de algunas de las promesas electorales, como el ajuste del salario mínimo —en dos tramos, con mucha presión social—, el inicio de nuevos programas sociales, un nuevo sistema de regalías mineras, entre otros; pero el modelo sigue incólume (1)” tal y como observamos en esta cita al generar cambios en el sistema económico se dio la posibilidad de ayudar a una parte de la población ya sea con un aumento salarial o con la incorporación de nuevos puestos de trabajo. Pero como bien se dice al final el modelo económico sigue estando incompleto ya que solo se ha resuelto parte del problema, y eso se demuestra cuando se dice que “Sin embargo, es también reconocido que este modelo basado en el dinamismo del sector exportador, junto con el adecuado desempeño de la construcción y de los servicios, es extremadamente volátil y dependiente de la economía internacional(2).” En este caso se habla acerca del problema de dependencia en una sola fuente de ingresos, en este caso la exportación ya que si solo esperan generar ingresos de ahí si la demanda baja también bajaran los ingresos del pais, y pueden sufrir un destino similar al de Venezuela ya que en este pais el petróleo era su principal fuente de empleo e ingresos y cuando eso cambio podemos ver como termino en su situación actual la cual es lamentable.

Otra limitante del sistema actual es “la incapacidad del Estado para gestionar conflictos sociales, siendo evidente que con las reglas e instrumentos actuales no es posible resolver los problemas crecientes entre la sociedad y el sector extractivo, en particular del minero (3)” ya que si el estado no es capaz de resolver las quejas o reclamos de los trabajadores, esto causara el despido o renuncia de las personas que realizan labores las cuales permiten mantener una economía estable en el pais. Además de la incapacidad del estado para resolver problemas sociales tenemos “las desigualdades entre grupos sociales [que] tiende a erosionar la cohesión social y pone en peligro la democracia. También impacta negativamente en el plano económico, por el progresivo desgaste del capital social, es decir, del conjunto de relaciones de confianza, fiabilidad y respeto de las normas, que son indispensables en la convivencia civil (4)” esta desigualdad puede verse en favoritismo en lugares de trabajo de unas personas sobre otras solo por conocer o ser familiar de alguna figura publica importante. Por ultimo se puede decir que “El modelo de crecimiento económico genera pocos empleos de calidad con altas remuneraciones y bajas remuneraciones reales para la mayor parte de la población. En los sectores intensivos en capital se generan grandes excedentes, pero más de la mitad de éstos sale del país.”(5)

Ahora que los problemas han sido expuestos tratemos de dar soluciones, para empezar podríamos tratar de producir nuestros propias cosas que sustenten las necesidades básicas del pueblo en lugar de importarlas de otro pais, también se podría dar los puestos de trabajo a las personas que son capaces de hacerlo bien sin importar su estatus social o económico y por ultimo que el estado escuche las necesidades de los trabajadores y buscar como resolverlas ya que sin trabajadores la economía no crece.

El covid 19 impondrá un nuevo sistema económico?

El covid 19 vino a cambiar nuestras vidas y nuestra economía, acorde a Alicia Bárcena la secretaria ejecutiva de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y El Caribe (CEPAL) “La región puede salir de esta crisis más endeudada, más pobre, más hambrienta, con alto desempleo, y sobre todo, enojada. Debemos evitar que la crisis sanitaria se convierta en una crisis alimentaria. La banca de desarrollo otorga recursos de manera contra cíclica, atiende segmentos de la población que no son cubiertos por el sector financiero privado y puede ayudar a implementar estrategias de mediano plazo. (6)” como se denota aquí, esta pandemia nos dejara en una situación realmente preocupante y “Por su parte, Ángel Gurría, secretario general de la OCDE, manifestó que considera que la recuperación de la economía será en forma de “U” y no en “V” y alertó que las economía de la región tendrán una contracción estimada de 8,3% en Argentina, 7,4% en Brasil, 7,5% en México, 6,1% en Colombia, 5,6% en Chile, sin plantear el posible escenario de una segunda ola del COVID-19, por lo que se requiere el apoyo de las instituciones financieras.(7)” Esta ultima declaración del secretario general de la OCDE (Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos) es preocupante ya que muchos paises de Latinoamérica no tienen precisamente una gran economía y esta contracción podría generar problemas tanto a corto como a largo plazo.

Otro aspecto preocupante es que “Para este año, la Cepal había estimado que América Latina crecería un 1,3%. Ahora, con el golpe del coronavirus en China, me dice que calcula una caída del 1,8%, pero que esta puede ser de dos dígitos…(8)” lo cual no es una buena noticia en especial para nuestros paises no tan desarrollados. Esta es la razón por la cual los expertos “[están] viendo que va a ser muy importante que las economías de América Latina y el Caribe retomen la integración regional, es decir, que tratemos de volver a una especie de autosuficiencia regional.(9)” esto nos hará menos dependientes de otros en especial ahora que los viajes de pais a pais son tan estrictos y limitados, esto nos daría más oportunidad de afrontar el problema ya que seremos capaces de sustentarnos nosotros mismos. “Entonces lo que habría que ver es cómo se va a reconstituir una economía distinta, más integrada hacia lo local, buscando también pautas de autosuficiencia,(10)” Por lo cual se podría decir que el covid 19 cambio nuestra encomia pero no desde cero, solo nos permitió ver nuestros defectos y como podemos corregirlos.

Citas y Referencias.

* Citas del 1 al 5.

* citas 6 y 7.

* Citas del 8 a al 10.

Que me deja esta materia?

Me deja la enseñanza de como actúa el ser humano en ciertas situaciones y el porque de ello. Así como una reflexión de como podemos tomar nuestros defectos (de pensamiento) y convertirlos en algo positivo.

Final Major Assignment #1.

Our textbook describes the writing process as the time when “Writers make all kinds of choices and judgments; they select a genre in which to compose, they aim to reach a particular audience, and they write with a particular purpose in mind, among other choices.”(Blau and Burak 3). And we can see that this comes true can we read a writing piece by any author because there are a lot of examples of writing pieces that are created with a certain audience and purpose in mind. And today we are going to focus on the work of 3 different authors, each one with a different style. Those authors and writing pieces are Billy Collins with his “Commencement Address”, Gloria Anzaldua with “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” and Martin Luther King Jr with “Letter from Birmingham Jail”. In this analysis, the focus is going to be on 3 key terms. Let’s begin with my definition of the terms. Genre: The way of delivering the message. This can be a letter, an essay, or a speech among other genres. *Purpose: This is the reason behind your writing in other words what you are trying to say. *Audience: This is who is going to read, listen or watch your work. They are also the people to which you want to give your message.

Well to start this analysis we are going to take a look at the work done by Billy Collins. And the work that he did is his commencement address. The genre of his work can be described as a commencement speech since this is pretty often used to inspire people to do something or make their dream come true, and he does that but he also includes some humor in his speech. This is a speech given at a graduation ceremony because he said “ This is not the first commencement address I have ever given. But the task of dispensing advice to a group of young strangers, and, worse, the job of reassuring them about the future does not get any easier with time or practice.”(Collins). He is a person that really understands what he is doing and his purpose which is to motivate the recent graduates as when he describes the future using two different ways, one the poetic and the other the pragmatic, “The Pragmatic tend to think of the past as a body of tradition to be preserved and/or a reservoir of errors and miscalculations that we can learn from and apply to the Future. For the Poetic, the past is simply a source of nostalgia and regret”(Collins). He said that to show the recent graduates that life is not only black or white it depends on how you look at it. Also, he does pretty well connecting with his audience which is a group of college students he does not do that by only telling some jokes in his speech, the last part of his speech also was intended to connect with the audience by giving them the message of being proud of who they are and what the have done “One final wish: Salvador Dali once said that “Every morning when I wake, I experience a supreme pleasure: that of being Salvador Dali.” May you graduates waken every morning to experience the supreme pleasure of being yourselves.”(Collins). And that is how we can describe the work of Billy Collins based on the three key terms.

Another author that does a pretty good job connecting with the audience and establishing a purpose Gloria Anzaldua with, How to Tame a Wild Tongue. This is very important writing because of the theme that is involved. Her work is a criticism against those who discriminate against Chicano people, the writing piece can be called an autobiography because she used many things that happened to her to support her arguments like when she used a personal experience. One time when she uses a personal experience is when she said “I remember being sent to the comer of the classroom for “talking back” to the Anglo teacher when all I was trying to do was tell her how to pronounce my name. “If you want to be American, speak ‘American.’ If you don’t like it, go back to Mexico where you belong.” (Anzaldua). With this piece we can assume that the audience she is trying to reach is those people who are being or feeling oppressed by linguistic domination, this also is shown when she said, “a country where students in high schools and colleges are encouraged to take French classes because French is considered more ‘cultured’.”(Anzaldua) Now let’s describe what her purpose is with this writing. Her purpose is to persuade and inform her audience which are anglo speakers and some Latino groups of why language freedom is a very important need as when she said “Chicano Spanish sprang out of the Chicanos’ need to identify ourselves as a distinct people. We needed a language with which we could communicate with ourselves, a secret language.”(Anzula). In this quote, she explains why Chicano people needed a new language, one that is neither Spanish nor English to not feel discriminated by these 2 cultures.

Last but not least, we have a letter composed by a very important person in history and that is Martin Luther King Jr. His writing work is called “Letter from Birmingham Jail”. This is writing that really makes you think of how the situation was and if we really end with it. The genre of writing can be classified as a letter because it is more than just a comment but less formal than an essay. It is more like a talk person to person about a critique/reflection of the way people act or behave. Since he started the letter by saying “While confined here in the Birmingham City Jail, I came across your recent statement calling our present activities ‘unwise and untimely’”(King Jr). This is a critic because he is talking about how people see his nonviolent actions as something wrong, while his only purpose is to get rid of all the aggression against people of color. He even provides information on the why of his actions by letting the reader of the letter know that “Birmingham is probably the most thoroughly segregated city in the United States. Its ugly record of police brutality is known in every section of the country. Its unjust treatment of Negroes in the courts is a notorious reality.”(King Jr) As he explains the place where he was got the highest record in injustices against black people. With this letter, there was a specific audience and that was the 8 clergymen people that were racist and see him as something bad. To reach his audience Luther tried to show them all the bad things that they supporting and how they affect black people. The idea of these people being his audiences is shown in this quote “when you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and drown your sisters and brothers at whim; when you have seen hate-filled policemen curse, kick, brutalize, and even kill your black brothers and sisters with impunity; when you see the vast majority of your 20 million Negro brothers smothering in an airtight cage of poverty in the midst of an affluent society; when you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six-year-old daughter why she can’t go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television.”(King Jr) He is using the word “when” pretty often so the people who read it can think of it as a personal experience or put herself/himself into that situation and make them think deeply about it, and they may try to find a way to stop it. His purpose was to persuade his audience to see all the evil they were causing and thus stop doing it. One quote that shows his purpose is this one “fellow clergyman and a Christian brother. Let us all hope that the dark clouds of racial prejudice will soon pass away and the deep fog of misunderstanding will be lifted from our fear-drenched communities and in some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all of their scintillating beauty.”(King Jr). We can see that the actions of King Jr were noble and all he wanted was peace between the people of color and white people after years of segregation and discrimination.

As we can see each author uses different writing strategies. They use their own genre according to their purpose and know exactly what audience they want to reach. Knowing these 3 key terms is very important because if you know your purpose in other words your message/advice you can deliver it to a specific group and use the genre that they may find more interesting according to their age or beliefs. The use of the three key terms genre, purpose, and audience as a whole is a very important part for a writer. Since they establish the base of what the person is going to talk about or describe. Also, they serve as a guide to not ramble on what is being said.

*Work Cited

Collins, Billy. “Billy Collins Commencement Speech”. 19 May 2008.

 Gloria, Anzaldúa, “How to Tame a Wild Tongue,” in Borderlands: The New Mestiza – La Frontera, (San Francisco: Aunt Lute Book Company, 1987), 33-45

King, Martin Luther, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail (1963) [Abridged]”. 16 April 1963. 

*Post Write.

This assignment was not similar to anything I have done before since normally I just had one or two sources to write about but not like this, and for this one, I got three different ones and I needed to analyze them not just read them and take out information. But the structure of it is very similar to the essays I have to write in High School.

Compared with other assignments I have done in the past this one was very different because this one asked me to analyze 3 different writing pieces and describe their genre, audience, and purpose. While the other ones normally were comparison and contrast between 2 things or an answer to a question using the given information.

To write this draft I used the writing skill I have learned in the past like where to use commas, periods, and quotes. I base my answer on the book definition for the key terms genre, purpose, and audience, but I also use my own definition of those words. 

To do this draft I start with reading all the sources and then take out quotes that I thought would be useful based on what I understood. And then try to put it all together in a way that the information is clear and easy to understand.

Questions for the reader of this:

Is this easy to understand?  

Do I make my point clear? 

What can be improved?

Final Major Assignment #2.

One thing that makes a change in the world for good or bad is technology and with it also brought many ways to spend our time or entertain us, one of these things is video games. I mean they are known but almost everybody and it is really difficult to find somebody that has no idea of what they are. Video games change the world, and they also become a job so they are not only a way to spend your free time, now you can actually do it to earn money from it. But have you as a gamer or as a parent/guardian of one ever stopped and thought about how video games Influence us?. I mean it not just physically but also mentally. This is the question that we are going to deep into and try to find an answer or multiple answers. To answer this question I can think of two different answers one being that videogames are a good influence on us since they help us to entertain when we have nothing to do. And the other one is that video games are a bad influence because they only teach bad behaviors and are a waste of or time that only can cause us problems.

To answer our question let’s begin with an interesting piece of information given by the study conducted by James Alex Bonus, Alanna Peebles, and Karyn Riddle. The interesting fact of this study is this one that said “positive feelings, such as those derived from alleviating negative affect, can serve to reinforce behaviors that led to those positive feelings […] it is possible that when virtual violence leads to decreases in negative emotions […], the act of using violent games to manage negativity is reinforced“ (Bonus, Peebles, Riddle). This data gives us the idea that video games are a good way to release all the bad emotions/feelings. With that being said we may say that releasing our bad emotion playing would make a positive impact in our day to day life since now we can use video games as a way to not overwhelm ourselves with negative feelings. These are not just words, this is a fact for some people and an example of this is the person who was interviewed by me who said “I enjoy them (video games) and they are a good way to release the stress of my day”(Hernandez). So as we can see for this person video games are a way to relax and forget about the bad things that happened during the day. So far this information supports the idea that video games are not that bad, but we need more information to get a solid answer to our question.

Another study that supports the same or a very similar idea is one by Christopher J.Ferguson. The purpose of this study was to examine how video games and television can be a risk for the next factor of attention problems symptomatic of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and poor school performance. The results of this found that “internal factors such as male gender, antisocial traits, family environment, and anxiety best predicted attention problems. School performance was best predicted by family income. Television and video game use, whether total time spent using or exposure to violent content specifically, did not predict attention problems or GPA.”(Ferguson). Even when this text is not saying that video games are good, it is saying that other factors can also be a cause for problems in the life of the people. So the influence of video games is not always the cause of bad behavior or attention problems. This information goes against what the news always says about video games because they said that bad behavior is caused by video games but we know that it is not the case. 

And to support that we have a source that supports the same idea or a very similar to the results of Ferguson is a journalistic note/reportage made by Arman Azad for CNN, which said that “The team found that violent video games may increase aggressive behavior, but ‘these effects are almost always quite small.’”(Azad). This piece is showing that there is not a strong relation between video games and bad/aggressive behaviors. The publication also said that “In one 2016 study, researchers analyzed crime data and found that general societal violence decreased in the weeks after the release of popular video games.”(Azad) This part even says that there is a decrease in violence when a new game is released, so video games cause more good than bad to us. These are two examples that show that video games are not a bad influence, but what is on the other side? what information do we have to prove that video games are not a good influence? that is what we are going to take a look at.

So far we have seen that video games are not a bad influence but sometimes they are. And we have some proof that video games sometimes can be a bad influence, especially on children. According to a study done by Singh, Pankaj; Mujawar, Nilofer; Moharkar, Rupali; and Kaur, Harshdeep. The study took place In India and show that “Children who play more video, and mobile games are more likely to have increased anxiety, communication problems, psychomotor activity, conduct disorder/disruptive behavior, social skills, attention and hyperactive behavior, aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and decreased prosocial helping.” (Singh, Mujawar, Moharkar, Kaur). This is not a good result for video games, because the study is showing that they can lead to problems in our children if they spend a lot of time on them. One example of a bad influence on video games could be something that happened to the person I interviewed. He said that “sometimes I feel like I can’t wait anymore to play but I tried to control myself and focus on what I am doing and with the time that feeling goes away”.(Hernandez) As we can see from this answer this person sometimes feels like playing video games is a need so that is not a good sign, in fact, looks like he is developing some kind of addiction to playing video games but apparently, he can control himself. 

This last information is the opposite of what is shown in a journalistic note/reportage made by Alaa Elassar for CNN. This shows the following information “More than a third (35.3%) of the children who play said they believe video games make them better readers — with the vast majority (79.4%) saying they read materials related to gaming once a month. The materials included in-game communications, reviews, and books. All that reading may also be helping players improve their writing.”(Elassar) Compared with the study made in India, this information is showing an opposite perspective where video games are good for children and even helped them to improve some aspects like their reading and writing skills. The post also said that “The “shared cultural experience” of gaming also supports positive communication with friends and family, according to researchers” (Elassar). So this also shows that video games help the children to have better social skills. So the information presented in this writing is a contradiction to the study in India which said that video games cause communication problems.

In conclusion, video games can influence us in many and different ways, some of them are good and some of them are bad. All of this varies according to the person and their situation. But this information is important to know because if we see someone spending too much time on video games we know that it may end up in something bad for them mentally and physically. Also, the importance of this is to make a reflection and notice when video games are being something good in your life or if they are just causing problems. 

Work Cited

*Azad, Arman. “Video Games Unlikely to Cause Real-World Violence, Experts Say.” CNN, Cable News Network, 5 Aug. 2019, 

*Bonus, James Alex, et al. “The Influence of Violent Video Game Enjoyment on Hostile Attributions.” Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 52, Nov. 2015, pp. 472–483. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.05.044.

*Elassar, Alaa. “Video Games Help Children Improve Literacy, Communication, and Mental Well-Being, Survey Finds.” CNN, Cable News Network, 5 Sept. 2020, 

*Ferguson, Christopher J. “The Influence of Television and Video Game Use on Attention and School Problems: A Multivariate Analysis with Other Risk Factors Controlled.” Journal of Psychiatric Research, vol. 45, no. 6, June 2011, pp. 808–813. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2010.11.010.

*Hernandez, Douglas. Zoom Interview Oct-24-2020

*Singh, Pankaj, et al. “Effect of Video and Mobile Games on Children’s Behavior.” Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing, vol. 7, no. 5, May 2016, pp. 488–492. EBSCOhost,

Post Write 

1-Did this assignment remind you of any writing that you’ve done previously? Please describe that work. 

This Assignment was very similar to one that I had to do in my history class at high school, but I never finished it because of the current situation.

2-What was new about this assignment? Please be precise.

The difference between this assignment and the other one is that in this I needed an interview and also used media sources, and another difference is the number of sources I need to use.

3-What kinds of knowledge/writing skills did you draw on to produce this draft? Please begin to use some of the key terms that have begun to form the basis of your theory of writing. For example, did you draw upon your understanding of audience awareness or genre? How so?

The knowledge that I used to do this draft is the things we learn in class, like how to find sources, how to cite, and also how to create transitions between the paragraphs.

4-When drafting and revising, what choices did you make? Please explain.

I had to analyze the sources I found and try to find the one that best fits with my work. That was difficult because I did not know if the information I picked would make sense together.

5-What questions do you have for readers about the piece?

-How easy or difficult is it to understand the information?

-How helpful/useful is the information presented in this essay for you?

Final Major Assignment #3





Now it’s time to talk about why I picked these 3 genres to deliver my information. Giving the purpose of it and to what audience it is intended to. Well for the infographic my purpose was to give some information that people may find interesting about video games, that’s why I included graphs about public opinion and some data that complements the research. The infographic was a good way to reach my audience (gamers & parents) of any age because an image worth more than a thousand words, so they may find this information attractive and interesting. That why I used more images than words but where an explanation was needed I put it there. All the information present in those graphs may be useful for some audience or another because it talks about positive and negative aspects as well as the opinion of regular people.

And the reasons why I decided to make a video is because for young people it’s more interesting to find the information and a video rather than a newspaper/magazine. Like I said earlier talking about that my audience includes gamers I think that a video is a good way to approach that audience. Also, the use of color and images can make them remember the information better than just having a lot of text. In the video, I put some information about how video games can be something bad for them but I also include some benefits of them so they do not just think that video games are bad, but also that it is good to have some moderation. So this information is to make them think about if they are doing the right thing or it is time to do a change in their way of living.

And finally, the reasons why I picked an article as my last genre to do this assignment are the fact that many people especially adults still using paper to get their information or knowledge about something. So my purpose with the article was to let the parents/guardians of gamers about the effect that video games have on their children in a way that is familiar to them. But also let them know that video games are not also something good, so they do not start to blaming video games every time their children suffer from a problem and reflect on whether the cause of the problem could be them.


Doing this assignment was not an easy task not because of the sources that I was going to use. It was difficult because I didn’t know how to put the information in 3 different genres. But thanks to the information given in class and some other things that I found on the Internet help me with this assignment.

So the first thing I did was focus on Info-graphic using the tools that we talk about during class. So for the infographic, I started to look for graphs that match some of the information that I found. Because one of the sources talks about a decrease in violence when a new game is released I tried to find some information or a graph in Statista but I could not find anything, so I used google and I found information about it as well as a graph. Then I tried to find anything else about the topic in Statista but I did not find anything so finally I just used google but I made sure that was a website with information that can be reliable. It was not easy but I think I found some interesting data that match my topic and some information about my sources. And I put all the information together using Canvas the website that we talk about in class.

While for the process of doing the article which I personally think that that was the less difficult because I just needed to know how to organize my information in a way that the reader may find interesting. So it was pretty much just pick the right information from my sources and use an interesting way to my audience. To do this assignment I read an article about how to write a newspaper article but finally, I decided to do something more like a magazine article, but the information from that article was useful to have an idea about how to write in a formal way.

And finally, the video was the hardest one for me because I decided to used images on it and I was not sure of which ones to include in my video, so I spend some time picking different images that I think would be great with the information or at least make sense. So the problem or challenge was how to add the sound to the video because I did not want a video just with the images, I even considered put some music on the video but I did not do that in the end. I found an app to do the video on my phone and I use a website to record the audio, that was a little chaos because sometimes my file was corrupted or the recording just stop. But in the end, it was a process that I enjoyed, and I learn how to do new things which is the important part. And once I had all the things that I need I started to put them all together in a way that would be easy to understand the information that I am giving. When I finished the video I decided to upload it to the website that I know it’s the most popular video website, that’s YouTube. One resource that helps me with that is called “6 Psychology-Backed Hacks for Making Engaging Videos” by Clifford Chi. This source gave me some tips about how to make my video because I had never done one before.

Work Cited.

*Bonus, James Alex, et al. “The Influence of Violent Video Game Enjoyment on Hostile Attributions.” Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 52, Nov. 2015, pp. 472–483. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.05.044.

*Coyne, Sarah M., et al. “Gaming in the Game of Love: Effects of Video Games on Conflict in Couples.” Family Relations, vol. 61, no. 3, July 2012, pp. 388–396. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/j.1741-3729.2012.00712.x.

*Chi, Clifford. “6 Psychology-Backed Hacks for Making Engaging Videos.” HubSpot Blog, HubSpot, 12 July 2019,

* Craig, Anne Pyburn. “How to Submit a Newspaper Article.” Pen and the Pad, Pen and the Pad, 10 Jan. 2019,

*Ferguson, Christopher J. “The Influence of Television and Video Game Use on Attention and School Problems: A Multivariate Analysis with Other Risk Factors Controlled.” Journal of Psychiatric Research, vol. 45, no. 6, June 2011, pp. 808–813. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2010.11.010.

*Singh, Pankaj, et al. “Effect of Video and Mobile Games on Children’s Behavior.” Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing, vol. 7, no. 5, May 2016, pp. 488–492. EBSCOhost,

Post Write.

*Did this assignment remind you of any writing that you’ve done previously?  Please describe that work.

This assignment was not like something I had done before.

*What was new about this assignment?  Please be precise.

The thing that make this assignment new for me is because I was never asked to present 3 different genres of the same topic. But even when at the beginning It was like an impossible task the end was not that bad.

*What kinds of knowledge/writing skills did you draw on to produce this draft?  Please begin to use some of the key terms that have begun to form the basis of your theory of writing.  For example,  did you draw upon your understanding of audience awareness or genre?  How so?

In order to do this assignment I had to read some examples about different genres to know what things identify a genre and make it different from others. Also I got to use the knowledge about how to do the different compositions some of the information to do them I got it from school and other from my own research.

*When drafting and revising, what choices did you make? Please explain.

When I started the process to write and do each one of the compositions I needed to know my audience to do this that they find interesting. So to write and do all of this I had to pick information from the sources that highlight important details about my topic. Also organize the information to make them look good for my spectator.

Questions for the reader:

-What genre did you find more interesting and why?

-Do you think I picked the right genres or there are others that would fit better with my information?

Final Major Assignment #4

Genre: Essay.

Rationale: The reason I decided to do an essay for this assignment is that I am more familiar with it than with any other genre. Another reason is that I think that this assignment should be in a formal way and an essay fits perfectly with that.

This is my first year and first semester in college and it wasn’t really easy going from writing in my high school English class to starting writing in my college ENG101 class. But as time passes I think my writing has improved since the semester began. And the reason is that I got new information about how to do a good writing piece and that changed my theory of writing for the better. So I am about to explain how my new knowledge has impacted my writing style from the beginning of the semester to the end.

At the beginning of the class, I had a brief idea of what a writing piece needs to have in order to be good. And that is shown in my first short assignment where I wrote “In my own opinion what makes a piece of writing interesting is: 1- The way the writer begins the composition,2-The final message can be interpreted in various ways,3-The structure is well developed and not just random information,4-Focuses on the main message,5-It is not meant just to be commercial.” So as it showed in this piece for me a writing piece was only focused on just a few points like style, message, and structure, which is not so bad but a writing piece is much more than that. In other words, my theory of writing was that writers decide to take a message and share it with as many people as possible, and to do that they write it in a way that does not result in boring for people to read. They also include good and detailed information focused on the topic in order to achieve their purpose.
But my writing theory underwent some changes and improvements as the semester progressed. What I think helps me the most to develop my theory of writing are the key terms that we studied during class. Like the importance of context when writing because you always want to give information according to the topic that we are dealing with. Other key terms that help with my theory of writing were critical analysis and reflection. While reflection is the one that suggests that is a good idea to revise your own work again and think about what you did well and what you need to improve, the critical analysis gives you the advice that you need to think deeply about what you are reading to make sure it makes sense and that you are receiving valuable information. The term critical analysis was used to analyze George Clooney’s Profile, in the magazine Esquire. Where we needed to find if the information presented there was good and appropriate for the genre a similar thing happened when we analyzed Michael Jackson’s Obituary. We needed to analyze if the information was according to the genre and if there was anything inappropriate for the genre. This information about what a genre should and should not contain help me to pick the genres that I would use for major assignment #3.

Another thing by which my theory of writing has evolved is by noticing that pretty often the writer needs to target a specific audience and to do that they need to use a genre that this audience may find interesting, and also use the appropriate language to deliver your message in the way that you want others to understand it. Another thing that I have learned is the term “Transfer of learning” this term refers to the fact that the knowledge that we use for one thing can be used in other aspects of our life, we may say that it “occurs when people apply information, strategies, and skills they have learned to a new situation or context.” (Wikipedia). This term transfer of learning explains what was the process from Major Assignment #2 to Major Assignment #3 because what I learn about the audience and context is what I needed to use in order to deliver the information in three different ways to different audiences.

Most of these key terms I had to use for my major assignment number 2 because I needed to find the context for my argument and then read my sources, made an analysis, and picked the most useful information. But that information was not only useful to write the essay, it also helps me to pick my question for the research this is shown in my short assignment number 5 where I described the reason why I picked the topic that I used for my research “I think that a good question to answer would be: How video games influence us? The reason why I pick this topic is that I like video games and I think that they are one of the best things that happened to us, but many people especially on the news constantly said that video games are not good, they show that if a person is violent or lazy it’s because of the video games, they only focus on that and do not pay attention to the benefit of playing video games, and I want to change that.” In this piece, I stabilized the context for my question and also a little reflection of why I picked this topic.

With all the information said until now, I can say that with all the new knowledge my theory of writing is more extended than before because now I know that it is important to know what my audience and purpose are to choose a genre that is going to be interesting for them. And this was very important to know for my major assignment number 1, where I had to read different writing pieces and find their audience and purpose as well as the genre that the author used. From the 3 writing pieces the most interesting ones and easy to find their purpose and audiences were “How to tame a wild tongue” by Anzaldua. While I was reading her work I discovered that she was picking words and examples in order to target a specific audience and that was a clue part to be able to do major assignment #2 where I needed to find a way to write an essay target to a specific audience based on the topic that we choose, and state a clear purpose. Another writing that also help me to understand better how to find an audience and how to deliver my message to that audience was Martin Luther King Jr with “Letter from Birmingham Jail” He establish his audience right at the beginning of the letter and used language and example to persuade his audience to understand the message that he was delivering,

Towards the end of the semester, my theory of writing has changed and improved. Now I am aware that when writing I always need to think first in the rhetorical situation, especially in 3 important terms which are to know my audience in other words the people who are going to read/listen/watch my work, know what is my purpose with what I am doing and the genre that I am using to deliver the message which needs to be base on my audience. like I said before I learned more about that in my major assignment 1 where I needed to find these 3 key terms for each one of the writing pieces. So when I applied those terms in my own writing I thought about them while I was writing and this is shown in my reflection (short assignment 7) of my major assignment #2 where I mention the following words “When I was writing my essay my intended audience to that essay was all these people interested in how video games can affect us, some examples of these people may be parents or people that spend a lot of time playing video games” I gave and specific audience for my topic, and that also this help me to know what kind of words I was supposed to use to get to that audience. I also specified the purpose of my essay “My purpose with this essay was to inform people about differences ways in which video games influence us, so people do not get the wrong idea that videogames are always something bad for us, but not misunderstand my words because video games as everything when is used in an abusive way it can lead to negative consequences”. With this piece, I said what is my purpose and the why of it.

In conclusion, my theory of writing has become pretty solid and I think that it would not only be useful for school work because I think that this knowledge can also be used in other aspects of my life. One way in which this may be useful is in creating good communication with other people that work with me because not everything needs to be done in person. For example, if you need to make a contract you need to know how to write it in order to be understandable for the other person. Writing is important not only if you want to become a writer but also in other jobs since people are not going to hire someone who doesn’t even know how to write a paragraph, because it would show that you have problems communicating your ideas with others which is not what they are looking for.

Work Cited.

*Barnes, Brooks. “A Star Idolized and Haunted, Michael Jackson Dies at 50.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 26 June 2009, 

*Gloria, Anzaldúa, “How to Tame a Wild Tongue,” in Borderlands: The New Mestiza – La Frontera, (San Francisco: Aunt Lute Book Company, 1987), 33-45

*Junod, Tom. George Clooney’s Rules for Living. 21 Aug. 2020, 

*King, Martin Luther, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail (1963) [Abridged]”. 16 April 1963. 

Post Write.

*Did this assignment remind you of any writing that you’ve done previously?  Please describe that work.

This assignment was not like something I have done before.

*What was new about this assignment?  Please be precise.

Normally at the end of the semester we just think about all the new things that we learned, but this time I have to write an essay and give examples of what makes me improve as a writer.

*What kinds of knowledge/writing skills did you draw on to produce this draft?  Please begin to use some of the key terms that have begun to form the basis of your theory of writing.  For example,  did you draw upon your understanding of audience awareness or genre?  How so?

To do this assignment I got to think about how my writing style was at the beginning of the semester and what things made me change during the semester. And use the knowledge about how to do a good writing piece, and what structure it should have.

*When drafting and revising, what choices did you make? Please explain. When I was writing this essay I thought about what writing pieces and terms are the ones that help me the most, and how to put the information in an appropriate way.*What questions do you have for readers about the piece?

I just got one question for the reader of this writing piece. Do I show improvement? If so, How?

Major Assignment #4. Draft 1

Genre: Essay.

Rationale: The reason I decided to do an essay for this assignment is because I am more familiar with it than with any other genre. Another reason is because I think that this assignment should be in a formal way and an essay fits perfectly with that.

This is my first year in college and it wasn’t really easy going from writing in my high school English class to starting writing in my college ENG101 class. But as the time passes I think my writing has improved since the semester began. And the reason is because I got new information about how to do a good writing piece and that changed my theory of writing for better. So I am about to explain how  my new knowledge has impacted my writing style since the beginning of the semester to the end.

At the beginning of the class I had a brief idea of what a writing piece needs to have in order to be good. And that is showed in my first short assignment where I wrote “In my own opinion what makes a piece of writing interesting is: 1- The way the writer begin the composition,2-The final message can be interpreted in various ways,3-The structure is well developed and not just random information,4-Focuses on the main message,5-It is not meant just to be commercial.” So as it showed in this piece for me  a writing piece was only focused on just a few points like style, message and structure, which is not so bad but a writing piece is much more than that.  In other words my theory of writing was that writers decide to take a message and share it with as many people as possible and to do that they write it in a way that does not result in boring for people to read. They also include good and detailed information focused on the topic in order to achieve their purpose.

But my writing theory underwent some changes and improvements as the semester progressed. What I think helps me the most to develop my theory of writing are the key terms that we studied during class. Like the importance of context when writing because you always want to give information according to the topic that we are dealing with. Other key terms that help with my theory of writing were critical analysis and reflection. While reflection is the one that suggests that is a good idea to revise your own work again and think about what you did well and what you need to improve, critical analysis gives you the advice that you need to think deeply about what you are reading to make sure it makes sense and that you are receiving valuable information. Another thing by which my theory of writing has evolved is by noticing  that pretty often the writer needs to target a specific audience and to do that they need to use a genre that this audience may find interesting, and also use the appropriate language to deliver your message in the way that you want others to understand it. Another thing that I have learned is the term “Transfer of learning”  this term refers to the  fact that the  knowledge that we use for one thing can be used in other aspects of our life, we may say that it “occurs when people apply information, strategies, and skills they have learned to a new situation or context.” (Wikipedia). Most of these key terms I had to use for my major assignment number 2 because I needed to find the context for my argument and then read my sources, made an analysis and picked the most useful information. But that information was not only useful for that, it also help me to picked my question for the research this is showed in my short assignment number 5 where I described the reason of why I picked the topic that I used for my research “I think that a good question to answer would be:How video games influence us? The reason why I pick this topic is because I like video games and I think that they are one of the best things that happened to us, but many people specially on the news constantly said that video games are not good, they show that if a person is violent or lazy it’s because of the video games, they only focus on that and do not pay attention to the benefit of playing video games, and I want to change that.”  In this piece I stabilised the context for my question and also a little reflection of why I picked this topic. 

Towards the end of the semester my theory of writing have changed and improved. Now I am aware that when writing I always need to think first in the rhetorical situation, specially in 3 important terms which are to  know my audience in other words the people who are going to read/listen/watch my work, know what is my purpose with what I am doing, and the genre that I am using to deliver the message which need to be base on my audience. And I learned that in my major assignment 1 where I needed to find these 3 key terms for each one of the writing pieces. So when I applied those terms in my own writing I thought about them while I was writing and this is showed in my reflection (short assignment 7) “When I was writing my essay my intended audience to that essay was all these people interested in how video games can affect us, some examples of these people may be parents or people that spend a lot of time playing video games” I gave and specific audience for omy topic, and that also this help me to know what kind of words I was  supposed to use to get to that audience. I also specified the purpose of my essay “My purpose with this essay was to inform people about differences ways in which video games influence us, so people do not get the wrong idea that videogames are always something bad for us, but not misunderstand my words because video games as everything when is used in an abusive way it can lead to negative consequences”. With this piece I said what is my purpose and the why of it. As it is shown now my theory of writing is more extended than before because now I know that it is important to know what my audience and purpose are to choose a genre that is going to be interesting for them.

In conclusion my theory of writing has become pretty solid and I think that it would not only be useful for school work, because I think that this knowledge can also be used in other aspects of my life. One way in which this may be useful is in creating good communication with other people that work with me, because not everything needs to be done in person. For example if you need to make a contract you need to know how to write it in order to be understandable for the other person. Writing is important not only if you want to become a writer but also in other jobs since people are not going to hire someone who doesn’t even know how to write a paragraph, because it would show that you have problems communicating your ideas with others which is not what they are looking for.

Reflection on My “Composition in Three Genres.”

Short Assignment #11.

Well now that I finished with major assignment 3 it’s time to do a reflection. To begin with this I want to make clear what my intended audience was and the problems I faced to reach them. My intended audience with this assignment was gamer and their parents/guardians and the problems that I found was a language barrier and a culture barrier, because I didn’t know if I could say the things in the same way I would say them in my own language and they would make sense in English. Another difficulty was that for this assignment I needed to think that other people would read this and not just my teacher, but after reading a bit about how to do a good job communicating with adults and kids I think I did a decent job. 

Now talking about the difference between the process of doing major assignment 2 and major assignment 3. Well I may say that the main difference in the process was that for my research essay I just needed to write a paper which is something I am familiar with, but with my components I had to use 3 different genres to communicate the same idea and that’s something I have never done before. So I had to understand what the genre is supposed to have, then pick the information from my sources and finally put them together in a way that may be interesting for people to read or watch.

As you know by now, I had to use 3 different genres so let me tell why I picked the genres that I used. Starting with the infographic I am going to say that there was not a reason to choose this genre but it was mandatory to have one for the assignment, and I think it works well catching the interest of people because it presents the information in an easy way to understand which is images. And the reason why I have  decided to include an article is because I chose this genre thinking about one part of my audience and that’s the adults, since it is well known that adults prefer to read something written on paper rather than reading something on the internet. And finally the reason why I decided to make a video was to reach the young part of my audience because unlike their parents/guardians they don’t read too much things written on paper, they prefer electronic ways to get their information about something.

And now to finish this post, let’s talk about my purpose with this task.  My purpose with each of my genres was to inform about the effect or influence that video games have on ourselves.  And I think genres do very well their purpose of reaching my audience regardless of their age.

Major Assignment #3. Draft 2





Now it’s time to talk about why I picked these 3 genres to deliver my information. Giving the purpose of it and to what audience it is intended to. Well for the infographic my purpose was to give some information that people may find interesting about video games, that’s why I included graphs about public opinion and some data that complements a research. The infographic was a good way to reach my audience (gamers & parents) of any age because an image worth more than a thousand words, so they may find this information attractive and interesting. That why I used more images than words but where an explanation was needed I put it there. All the information present in those graphs may be useful for some audience or another because it talks about positive and negative aspects as well as the opinion of regular people.

And the reasons why I decided to make a video is because for young people it’s more interesting find the information and a video rather than a newspaper/magazine. Like I said earlier talking about that my audience include gamers I think that a video is a good way to approach that audience. Also the use of color and images can make them to remember the information better than just having a lot of text. In the video I put some information about how video games can be something bad for them but I also include some benefits of them so they do not just think that video games are bad, but also that it is good to have some moderation. So this information is to make them think about if they are doing the right thing or it is time to do a change in their way of living.

And finally the reasons why I picked an article as my last genre to do this assignment are the fact that many people specially adults still using paper to get their information or knowledge about something. So my purpose with the article was let the parents/guardians of gamer about the effect that video games have in their children in a way that is familiar to them. But also let them know that video games are not also something good, so they do not start to blaming video games every time their children suffer from a problem, and reflect on whether the cause of the problem could be them.


Doing this assignment was not an easy task not because of the sources that I was going to use. It was difficult because I didn’t know how to put the information in 3 different genres. But thanks to the information given in class and some others thing that I found on the Internet help me with this assignment.

So the first thing I did was focus on Info-graphic using that tools that we talk about during class. So for the info graphic I started to look for graphs that matches some of the information that I found. Because one of the sources talks about a decrease in violence when a new game is release I tried to find some information or a graph in Statista but I could not find anything, so I used google and I found information about it as well as a graph. Then I tried to find anything else about the topic in Statista but I did not find anything so finally I just used google but I made sure that was a website with information that can be reliable. It was not easy but I think I found some interesting data that match with my topic and some information about my sources. And I put all the information together using Canvas the website that we talk about in class.

While for the process of doing the article which I personally think that that was the less difficult because I just needed to know how to organize my information in a way that the reader may find interesting. So it was pretty much just pick the right information from my sources and use an interesting way to my audience. To do this assignment I read an article about how to write a newspaper article but finally I decided to do something more like a magazine article, but the information from that article was useful to have an idea about how to write in a formal way.

And finally the video that was the hardest one for me because I decided to used images on it and I was not sure of which ones to include on my video, so I spend some time picking different images that I think would be great with the information or at least make sense. So the problem or challenge was how to add the sound to the video because I did not want a video just with the images, I even considered put some music on the video but I did not do that at the end. Once I had all the things that I need I started to put them all together in a way that would be easy to understand the information that I am giving. When I finished the video I decided to upload it at the website that I know it’s the most popular video website, that’s YouTube. One resource that help me with that is called “6 Psychology-Backed Hacks for Making Engaging Videos” by Clifford Chi. This source gave me some tips about how to make my video because I had never done one before.

Work Cited.

*Bonus, James Alex, et al. “The Influence of Violent Video Game Enjoyment on Hostile Attributions.” Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 52, Nov. 2015, pp. 472–483. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.05.044.

*Coyne, Sarah M., et al. “Gaming in the Game of Love: Effects of Video Games on Conflict in Couples.” Family Relations, vol. 61, no. 3, July 2012, pp. 388–396. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/j.1741-3729.2012.00712.x.

*Chi, Clifford. “6 Psychology-Backed Hacks for Making Engaging Videos.” HubSpot Blog, HubSpot, 12 July 2019,

* Craig, Anne Pyburn. “How to Submit a Newspaper Article.” Pen and the Pad, Pen and the Pad, 10 Jan. 2019,

*Ferguson, Christopher J. “The Influence of Television and Video Game Use on Attention and School Problems: A Multivariate Analysis with Other Risk Factors Controlled.” Journal of Psychiatric Research, vol. 45, no. 6, June 2011, pp. 808–813. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2010.11.010.

*Singh, Pankaj, et al. “Effect of Video and Mobile Games on Children’s Behavior.” Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing, vol. 7, no. 5, May 2016, pp. 488–492. EBSCOhost,

Post Write.

*Did this assignment remind you of any writing that you’ve done previously?  Please describe that work.

This assignment was not like something I had done before.

*What was new about this assignment?  Please be precise.

The thing that make this assignment new for me is because I was never asked to present 3 different genres of the same topic. But even when at the beginning It was like an impossible task the end was not that bad.

*What kinds of knowledge/writing skills did you draw on to produce this draft?  Please begin to use some of the key terms that have begun to form the basis of your theory of writing.  For example,  did you draw upon your understanding of audience awareness or genre?  How so?

In order to do this assignment I had to read some examples about different genres to know what things identify a genre and make it different from others. Also I got to use the knowledge about how to do the different compositions some of the information to do them I got it from school and other from my own research.

*When drafting and revising, what choices did you make? Please explain.

When I started the process to write and do each one of the compositions I needed to know my audience to do this that they find interesting. So to write and do all of this I had to pick information from the sources that highlight important details about my topic. Also organize the information to make them look good for my spectator.

Questions for the reader:

-What genre did you find more interesting and why?

-Do you think I picked the right genres or there’s others that would fit better with my information?

Major Assignment#3 Draft #1





With my infographic my intention is to catch the attention of my audience an make them start to think about what it’s their opinion of videogames and what benefit of consequences do they know. That’s is why I put the graphic that show a relationship between violet crime and videogames sales, so people notice that videogames help people to not act in violent ways. And with my newspaper/magazine article my target audience are the parents of gamers or their guardians that’s is why I started showing the positive impacts of videogames first because I know that many of them just think about the negative side of videogames and I wanted to show them that videogames can be a positive impact to. But I also wanted to show them that video games can be dangerous in young children if they spend long periods of time playing, so they parents/guardians may start to think about putting some limits in how long their kids are allowed to play. Finally with my video my purpose was to let gamers know about what the impacts of playing videogames are. I tried to do that in a way that they may find more interesting than just read it on paper, because on these day not many people still reading paper to get their information.


Doing this assignment was not an easy task not because of the sources that I was going to use. It was difficult because I didn’t know how to put the information in 3 different genres. So, for the info graphic I started to look for graphs that matches some of the information that I found. It was not easy but I think I found some interesting data that match with my topic and some information about my sources. And for my article I personally think that that was the less difficult because I just needed to know how to organize my information in a way that the reader may find interesting and I think I did that pretty good. And finally the video that was the hardest one for me because I decided to used a lot of images on it, so it wasn’t just me talking but the problem was that I didn’t know what images to use and after that my second problem was how to add the sound to the video. When I finished the video I decided to upload it at the website that I know it’s the most popular video website, that’s YouTube. One resource that help me with that is called “6 Psychology-Backed Hacks for Making Engaging Videos” by Clifford Chi.

Work Cited

*Bonus, James Alex, et al. “The Influence of Violent Video Game Enjoyment on Hostile Attributions.” Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 52, Nov. 2015, pp. 472–483. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.05.044.

*Coyne, Sarah M., et al. “Gaming in the Game of Love: Effects of Video Games on Conflict in Couples.” Family Relations, vol. 61, no. 3, July 2012, pp. 388–396. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/j.1741-3729.2012.00712.x.

*Chi,Clifford “6 Psychology-Backed Hacks for Making Engaging Videos.”

*Craig,Anne. “How to Submit a Newspaper Article

*Ferguson, Christopher J. “The Influence of Television and Video Game Use on Attention and School Problems: A Multivariate Analysis with Other Risk Factors Controlled.” Journal of Psychiatric Research, vol. 45, no. 6, June 2011, pp. 808–813. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2010.11.010.

*Singh, Pankaj, et al. “Effect of Video and Mobile Games on Children’s Behavior.” Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing, vol. 7, no. 5, May 2016, pp. 488–492. EBSCOhost,

Research Sources Report.

Short Assignment #10

For my major assignment #3 I am gonna use some of the sourced from my Major Assignment #2 and I am gonna give an explanation of how the will fit on my new assignment. The first one is going to be the one called Effect of video and mobile games on children’s behavior. By Singh, Pankaj; Mujawar, Nilofer; Moharkar, Rupali. This one is going to be useful because it provides some information about how young children can be affected if they spend too much time playing video games, this kind of information would be more useful to parents/guardians because they would know that is a good idea to put a limit in how long their children could play. Another source that I am going to reuse is the one called The influence of television and video game use on attention and school problems, by Christopher J.Ferguson. Even when by the tittle we may assume that this article is gonna focus on the bad aspects of video games, the results were very different, since it shows that video games may cause problems but the main reason of these problems according to the results is that problem of attention,behavior,etc are because of family. So this information would be useful for the parents/guardians as well as the last source, because this would make them think when there is a problem with their children about if the problem was cause by video games or by actions taking place at home (Knowing this information could make them reflect and not automatically blame video games).

And the last source that I am gonna use from Major Assignment #2 is the one called The influence of violent video game enjoyment on hostile attributions by James Alex Bonus,  Alanna Peebles and Karyn Riddle. This source is a good way to gamer to show that video games are not as bad as others may think because according to this article video games are a good way to release stress and bad emotions in a way that would not hurt others, And a new source that I gonna add in this assignment is one called Gaming in the Game of Love: Effects of Video Games on Conflict in Couples. by Coyne, Sarah M.Busby, Dean. Bushman, Brad J. Gentile, Douglas. Ridge, Robert. Stockdale, Laura. This article would be useful to Gamer because it talks about how video games may affect you in an emotional way. This article talks about how many men sometimes care more about playing video games that spending time with the person they love. This information would make gamer think if they are giving the same importance to their couple as much as they do to video games. Now as my final conclusion I may say that even when I specify to what audience this information would be more useful, I think that some of these would be useful in equal amount to both audiences (gamer and parent/guardian), and I also may say that all this sources are from a database what make the information credible or more credible than just information that you may find on the internet.

And now talking about tools/sources that I am using to make an improvement and make my work interesting for more people, are things that I read and/or watch to get information about how to make videos or articles that are interesting for people. One useful thing for that is a blog that I found it is called 6 Psychology-Backed Hacks for Making Engaging Videos by Clifford Chi. These are tips to make videos that attract people, and some tips from the blog I am planing to use them in my assignment to make a video that people may find interesting instead of boring. Another resource that is going to help me with this assignment is this one called How to Submit a Newspaper Article by Anne Pyburn Craig. This is like a guide of how write a newspaper article which is one way I can use to deliver my information to my audience. And it’s perfect because I have never write anything like a newspaper article before.