
Short assignment 3

Today I am going to analyze to what audience Livingston and Anzaldua are trying to connect to,but first lets define what the word “audience” mean,in my opinion I think as audience the public for what we are doing and they are important since they can make you shine or ruin your carrier,so it is very important to say things that would be relevant for many people or interesting.Lets begin with the analysis first we are going to talk about Donovan Livingston’s speech his audience are all the people that live a monotonous life and do not do what they like/enjoy,and he is inspiriting them to make their dreams come true.

“education is no equalizer rather it is the sleep that precedes the American dream so wake up wake up lift your voices until you’ve patched every hole in a child’s broken sky wake up every child so they know of the celestial potential I’ve been the black hole in a classroom for far too long absorbing everything without allowing my light to escape but those days are done.”He is using these words to demonstrate his frustration,but at the same time he is making a connection with the audience saying that now they are free.In the other hand Gloria Anzaldua,her audience are all the immigrants who speak Spanish being obligate to give up their culture in order to be accepted in the United States of America

“We use anglicisms, words borrowed from English: bola from ball, carpeta from carpet, machina de lavar (instead of lavadora) from washing machine. Tex-Mex argot, created by adding a Spanish sound at the beginning or end of an EngHsh word such as cookiar for cook, watchar for watch, parkiar for park, and rapiar
for rape, is the result of the pressures on Spanish speakers to adapt to English” other example is “By the end of this century, Spanish speakers will comprise the biggest minority group in the U.S., a country where students in high schools and colleges are encouraged to take French classes because French is considered more “cultured.” But for a language to remain alive it must be used· By the end of this century English, and not Spanish, will be the mother tongue of most Chicanos and Latinos.” I think using those words is a good way to make people start to think about it and try to do the correct thing.

Now that I have see the work of these 2 people as a viewer/reader I think that audience can also be define as the target of a message and not only people that would judge your job.

What is genre

Short assignment #2

In my own opinion, the term genre refers to the way we can classify different texts that share some similar characteristics,and make it easier to find what kind of text may interest you.One thing that help me to figure out this definition Is when I needed to read a book,mystery book always share some characteristics like:The place is separate from civilization,something happen years ago before the protagonist came there,small group of people.That kind of things help you to know in which category your book may be. According to Susan Blau and Kathryn Burak in the textbook WRITING IN THE WORKS genre is “A genre is a type of writing-from an informative report to a blog posting-and each type requires particular rhetorical moves”(page 3).Their definition is very different from mine because I am focus on literary genres and they focus in writing pieces.

Now talking about my last post where I talked about Collins’ commencement,while I was reading it I remembered one speech that heard in my graduation and I notice they share some characteristics like both use humor to keep the listener focus, and they both mention time,but one different that I notice is that Collin said that the future does not exist while in my school the person who talked focus on the future and all the things that we may be able to do in our lives.Base on these observation I think that the qualities that  a commencement address should have are:Try to give hope to the listener,talk about interesting subjects to the audience,be always positive,and believe in your words.I found 2 commencement address that show this characteristics the first one is This is a positive message and gives hope to recent graduates that better things await them,the second one is this person use humor to make the audience feel comfortable and create a good mood.

What is good writing?

Short assignment #1

Hello readers and welcome to my blog,my name is Willian Castillo I like to describe myself as a reader, since I enjoy the time that I spend reading books but the ones that are my favorites are the Mystery and Horror books.A piece of writing that I read in High School and caught my attention is called “The road not Taken” by Robert Frost,what I like about it is that for me it talks about all the decisions that we make and we wonder what would happen if we pick the other one.In my own opinion what makes a piece of writing interesting is:1- The way the writer begin the composition,2-The final message can be interpreted in various ways,3-The structure is well developed and not just random information,4-Focuses on the main message,5-It is not meant just to be commercial.

While I was reading Billy Collins’ commencement address, there were two part that I found interesting the first one is  *When your time is over, you will be remembered for what you did, not for what you never got around to doing.I found this as great advice since we are always thinking about what we can do instead of actually doing something,so if we want to make a change or impact because that is  what matters your actions,so you  just need to do want you want and not overwhelm yourself with a lots of things all at once.The second thing is *One final wish: Salvador Dali once said that “Every morning when I waken, I experience a supreme pleasure: that of being Salvador Dali.” May you graduates waken every morning to experience the supreme pleasure of being yourselves.I like this because is saying that you should be proud of who you are and what you do every day.In my own criteria this text is successful because it follows my points and knows how to have the reader focus on the text.Base on this text I do not want to change my key terms,because I use them to determine how good this text is and it works pretty good.